Saturday, November 13, 2010

Making Money Without

The real message from voters was "Fix this stinking economy." But Republicans have no intention of doing so.

With Republicans in control of the House, forget spending increases or tax cuts to stimulate the economy.

Republicans don't believe in stimulating economies. They think markets eventually clear -- once the pain is sufficient. Or in the immortal words of Herbert Hoover's treasury secretary, millionaire industrialist Andrew Mellon: "Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmer, liquidate real estate. It will purge the rottenness out of the system. People will work harder, lead a more moral life."

Of course, Mellon was dead wrong. Nothing was purged. Instead, the economy sunk into deeper and deeper depression.

So how do we get out of this bog?

By default, all the responsibility is on the Federal Reserve -- which announced this week it will pump $600 billion into the economy between now and June to reduce long-term interest rates ("quantitative easing" in Fed-speak).

The Fed thinks lower long-term rates will (1) push more businesses to expand capacity and hire workers; (2) push the dollar downward and make American exports more competitive and therefore generate more jobs; and (3) allow more Americans to refinance their homes at low rates, thereby giving them more cash to spend and thereby stimulate more jobs.

But without an expansionary fiscal policy, the Fed's goals are pipe dreams.

Lower rates won't spur businesses to expand capacity and jobs because there aren't enough consumers to buy additional goods and services.

Lower rates won't push down the dollar and spur more exports. They'll only spur more competitive devaluations by other nations determined not to lose export shares and jobs.

And lower rates won't allow middle-class and working-class Americans to refinance their homes because banks won't lend to families whose incomes have dropped, whose debts have risen, or who owe more on their homes than the homes are worth. That is, most of us.

Without an expansive fiscal policy that puts more money into the pockets of consumers and gets them out from under their huge debt load, the Fed's billions will just fuel another stock-market bubble.

It's already started. Stocks are up even though the rest of the economy is still down because money is already so cheap. Bondholders who can't get much of any return from their loans are shifting into stocks. Companies are buying back more shares of their own stock. And Wall Street is making more bets in the stock market with money it can borrow at almost zero percent interest.

In other words, with Republicans in charge of the House, the economy remains anemic. It may even succumb to another bubble that bursts.

Could it be that Republicans want to keep the economy this way through Election Day, 2012?

Robert Reich is the author of Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, now in bookstores. This post originally appeared at

22 Responses to “What’s Driving the Art Market? Easy Money.”

  1. Michael M Thomas Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:33 am

    In the first big art boom, back in the late ’80s-90s, some one observed, “It isn’t that the art isn’t worth the m oney, it’s that the money isn’t worth the money.” – MM Thoomas

  2. Friday screencast: artflation Abnormal Returns Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    Easy money and the red hot art market.  (Big Picture)

  3. Mike in Nola Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    When I saw the Lichtenstein story on the BBC yesterday, was going to send BR a note that he might use as the start of a blog post.

    The point of my note was that such big prices tend to mark tops in stocks because it’s a sign of overconfidence combined with spending paper profits. The example that first came to mind yesterday was the Japanese investor who bought one of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers for $80M – in 1990 just after the Japanese market peak.

    Of course there are other indicators. Remember reading about one of the well known players in the very early 1900′s who, when he saw $10k bet on the turn of a card, went out and correctly sold everything.

    An illustration of what some art investments are worth in hard times is that some segments of the art market were down 75% during the depths of the crash. The only reason art is booming again is because Ben B has repumped the liquidity bubble, allowing the banksters to make plenty instead of having their sorry asses thrown out on the street as they deserved.

  4. grlampton Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    A lot of what this post says about the art market can also be said about the rare coin market. Granted, rare coins are not unique in the same way a single piece of artwork is (though some are close to unique).

    Although I do not know what the long-term appreciation figures are for artwork, classic American rare coins have outperformed the S&P over the lon g haul, and, in my view, thwey are a lot more fun.

  5. gms777 Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    And for the 99.99 percent of us who don’t have millions to throw at art, when you buy art, buy it because you like it and think you will continue to enjoy looking at it in your house for years.

    Something like 95+% of all art never appreciates in value or if it does, it does so below the rate of inflation.

  6. obsvr-1 Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    seems this is just the .1%-ers keeping up with the Rockerfellers

    Perhaps the FED should be buying up rare art during distressed markets — then sell to the Fraudsters and elitist when they have nothing better to do with their money but buy high priced art; then recycle the profits back to the taxpayer (reduce nat debt) — or substitute SSA for the FED to bolster the Trust Fund for self sufficiency.

  7. ToNYC Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    If you’re very rich, you can ship your art to Switzerland, London or Singapore to be stored in a state-of-the-art facility and not have to worry about the Feds tracking it as funds.

    Believe it or not, that’s where the majority of art ends up these days, sitting in storage waiting for the right time and place to be shown or sold.

    great point you make:

    rich or just smart…keeping all invested in Intellectual Property keeps you free. Hard assets are more like anchors and chains and locks and guns.

  8. Long term Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    The problem I see with art, as an investment or even as a store of value, is that BOTH the insurance AND storage costs of pieces in the $10M+ range are significant. And reoccuring. And a drag on ROI unless a large mark-up is achieved.

  9. Mannwich Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    Then there’s this. Sure doesn’t sound worth it to me.

  10. philipat Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    I’d also recommend fine wine for similar reasons. Also more liquid (Double entendre intended!)

  11. pintelho Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 7:33 pm

    Now this is an excellent educational piece…thank you Marion

  12. Long term Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    i consider this very interesting from the perspective of how chinese billionaires will benefit high-end american exports.

  13. VennData Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    What’s good for Damien Hirst is good for the global economy — Charles Wilson

  14. YourPortlandFinancialAdvisor Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    “Blue-chip art is no different from gold.”

    It’s actually a lot different. People collect art to feel good about themselves, to feel intellectual, worldly, ect. Watch “Gone With the Wind”, Tara, the plantation is filled with paintings from Europe because that was the equivilant of the time. Plus anyone who fancies themselves a contemporary art collector must have and be judged by works of certain artists. Warhol would be one. No Warhol, no collection.

  15. Julia Chestnut Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 5:52 am

    The distinction here is between art as a store of value and art as an investment that is expected to create appreciation. The big jump in the value of a piece of art occurs when the artist dies, and thus the supply ends. People who build a fortune in art do so by having good taste and developing a relationship with the people who create (and/or sell) the kind of art that they love. It is about enjoyment and communication – about beauty and provocation. I have found in my limited experience that people who see art as an investment don’t pick the right artists: someone has to do their choosing for them.

    But the pieces that we’re talking about in this article are investment grade – blue chips, as you said. Those are a store of value, alright. But as someone noted, the price of keeping something like that is extremely high. There are some pieces of such extreme value to certain unscrupulous people that you don’t insure them if you own them – because you are afraid that the appraiser or the insurance company might tip someone off about where the piece is. I wish I were being alarmist. Often these pieces are kept in professional storage in vaults because you don’t want to keep it where your family lives for these reasons. As old Priam found out long ago, possessing a thing of legendary beauty invites certain problems, especially if you are using it as a store of wealth.

  16. contrabandista13 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:25 am

    And just to think, I bought a “Melvin Cruddy” last week for $2.77 at Resales for the Retarded.

    It kinda looks like a Modigliani of Bugs Bunny and Daffy having breakfast at a Milwaukee coffee shop.

  17. BuffaloBill Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:35 am

    A.) If bought at auction, there are also buyer’s and seller’s commissions. You’ll need to add these into your investment computations. These commissions are not insignificant.

    B.) If bought at auction, the hammer price (plus commission) is the single highest worldwide valuation for that piece.

    C.) To quote the late Lawrence Fleischman who headed Kennedy Galleries in NYC for many years. “Art makes a lousy investment for almost all buyers except for dealers as we work hard to maintain a rolodex of likely customers. ”

    D.) To quote the late Horace Solomon of Holly Solomon Galleries, “The painting hanging behind me is worth $125,000 – mostly because I say so.”

  18. contrabandista13 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:41 am

    The BIG MONEY plays in the art market are all about vanity… Oh….! Such refined and subtle sophistication…

    Having said that, It’s worth remembering that a trophy such as a Pollock or a real Modigliani, never grows old, never makes you carry it’s purse and will always comfort you in sickness and in heath….

  19. Greg0658 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 9:13 am

    interesting thread .. I’ll add my pov (thats point of view) not (privately owned vehicle :-) … while waiting for the pumpkin pie to bake

    I collect art – not blue chip art (I can’t) .. music 1st books 2nd clocks 3rd (why I started that with the dang time change twice a year) .. add general stuff to cover the walls, shelves and corners .. why I started that or continue that operation (as we slip back into a hunter gatherer society) (produced in mass production) I don’t know … I guess I’m a well trained consumerist .. worked all my life to turn green TP into stuff – because what good is scratchy green TP .. so coming up on the Thanksgiving season I’ll just ask for your thanks .. so thank you in advance … ie thanks for working to build stuff and then turn excess wages into stuff so people who can’t turn stuff into stuff can flip it for a living

    ps – the other pov – wish I could earn enough to have one of those fancies I loved to take pictures of – but then again – I might hit a deer with it or get it k@/@d

  20. ToNYC Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 9:30 am

    Art as investment works for the smart players who realize that over time their judgment of the intellectual perspective which is IP, and what it is that the artist presents will be a Call on an increasing statement of value over time (and transferred stored savings). The ones that see the artist’s vision and help bring that awareness public do the very best and are the lifeblood of our culture as well.

  21. Saturday links: cleaner coal Abnormal Returns Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 10:08 am

    What is driving the art market?  Easy money.*  (Big Picture)

  22. philipat Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 11:31 am

    VennData Says:

    “What’s good for Damien Hirst is good for the global economy — Charles Wilson”

    IMHO, the new Warhol? And I mean that not kindly. Both take advantage of art as culture as fashion as Ladt Gaga to make money. No problem with that, and good luck to them. But is it art?

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eric seiger

Domain Name Wire » <b>News</b> » Confirmed: Facebook Acquires <b>...</b>

Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

Peggle bounces onto PSP next week PSP <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PSP news of Peggle bounces onto PSP next week.

eric seiger

The real message from voters was "Fix this stinking economy." But Republicans have no intention of doing so.

With Republicans in control of the House, forget spending increases or tax cuts to stimulate the economy.

Republicans don't believe in stimulating economies. They think markets eventually clear -- once the pain is sufficient. Or in the immortal words of Herbert Hoover's treasury secretary, millionaire industrialist Andrew Mellon: "Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmer, liquidate real estate. It will purge the rottenness out of the system. People will work harder, lead a more moral life."

Of course, Mellon was dead wrong. Nothing was purged. Instead, the economy sunk into deeper and deeper depression.

So how do we get out of this bog?

By default, all the responsibility is on the Federal Reserve -- which announced this week it will pump $600 billion into the economy between now and June to reduce long-term interest rates ("quantitative easing" in Fed-speak).

The Fed thinks lower long-term rates will (1) push more businesses to expand capacity and hire workers; (2) push the dollar downward and make American exports more competitive and therefore generate more jobs; and (3) allow more Americans to refinance their homes at low rates, thereby giving them more cash to spend and thereby stimulate more jobs.

But without an expansionary fiscal policy, the Fed's goals are pipe dreams.

Lower rates won't spur businesses to expand capacity and jobs because there aren't enough consumers to buy additional goods and services.

Lower rates won't push down the dollar and spur more exports. They'll only spur more competitive devaluations by other nations determined not to lose export shares and jobs.

And lower rates won't allow middle-class and working-class Americans to refinance their homes because banks won't lend to families whose incomes have dropped, whose debts have risen, or who owe more on their homes than the homes are worth. That is, most of us.

Without an expansive fiscal policy that puts more money into the pockets of consumers and gets them out from under their huge debt load, the Fed's billions will just fuel another stock-market bubble.

It's already started. Stocks are up even though the rest of the economy is still down because money is already so cheap. Bondholders who can't get much of any return from their loans are shifting into stocks. Companies are buying back more shares of their own stock. And Wall Street is making more bets in the stock market with money it can borrow at almost zero percent interest.

In other words, with Republicans in charge of the House, the economy remains anemic. It may even succumb to another bubble that bursts.

Could it be that Republicans want to keep the economy this way through Election Day, 2012?

Robert Reich is the author of Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, now in bookstores. This post originally appeared at

22 Responses to “What’s Driving the Art Market? Easy Money.”

  1. Michael M Thomas Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:33 am

    In the first big art boom, back in the late ’80s-90s, some one observed, “It isn’t that the art isn’t worth the m oney, it’s that the money isn’t worth the money.” – MM Thoomas

  2. Friday screencast: artflation Abnormal Returns Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    Easy money and the red hot art market.  (Big Picture)

  3. Mike in Nola Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    When I saw the Lichtenstein story on the BBC yesterday, was going to send BR a note that he might use as the start of a blog post.

    The point of my note was that such big prices tend to mark tops in stocks because it’s a sign of overconfidence combined with spending paper profits. The example that first came to mind yesterday was the Japanese investor who bought one of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers for $80M – in 1990 just after the Japanese market peak.

    Of course there are other indicators. Remember reading about one of the well known players in the very early 1900′s who, when he saw $10k bet on the turn of a card, went out and correctly sold everything.

    An illustration of what some art investments are worth in hard times is that some segments of the art market were down 75% during the depths of the crash. The only reason art is booming again is because Ben B has repumped the liquidity bubble, allowing the banksters to make plenty instead of having their sorry asses thrown out on the street as they deserved.

  4. grlampton Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    A lot of what this post says about the art market can also be said about the rare coin market. Granted, rare coins are not unique in the same way a single piece of artwork is (though some are close to unique).

    Although I do not know what the long-term appreciation figures are for artwork, classic American rare coins have outperformed the S&P over the lon g haul, and, in my view, thwey are a lot more fun.

  5. gms777 Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    And for the 99.99 percent of us who don’t have millions to throw at art, when you buy art, buy it because you like it and think you will continue to enjoy looking at it in your house for years.

    Something like 95+% of all art never appreciates in value or if it does, it does so below the rate of inflation.

  6. obsvr-1 Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    seems this is just the .1%-ers keeping up with the Rockerfellers

    Perhaps the FED should be buying up rare art during distressed markets — then sell to the Fraudsters and elitist when they have nothing better to do with their money but buy high priced art; then recycle the profits back to the taxpayer (reduce nat debt) — or substitute SSA for the FED to bolster the Trust Fund for self sufficiency.

  7. ToNYC Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    If you’re very rich, you can ship your art to Switzerland, London or Singapore to be stored in a state-of-the-art facility and not have to worry about the Feds tracking it as funds.

    Believe it or not, that’s where the majority of art ends up these days, sitting in storage waiting for the right time and place to be shown or sold.

    great point you make:

    rich or just smart…keeping all invested in Intellectual Property keeps you free. Hard assets are more like anchors and chains and locks and guns.

  8. Long term Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    The problem I see with art, as an investment or even as a store of value, is that BOTH the insurance AND storage costs of pieces in the $10M+ range are significant. And reoccuring. And a drag on ROI unless a large mark-up is achieved.

  9. Mannwich Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    Then there’s this. Sure doesn’t sound worth it to me.

  10. philipat Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    I’d also recommend fine wine for similar reasons. Also more liquid (Double entendre intended!)

  11. pintelho Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 7:33 pm

    Now this is an excellent educational piece…thank you Marion

  12. Long term Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    i consider this very interesting from the perspective of how chinese billionaires will benefit high-end american exports.

  13. VennData Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    What’s good for Damien Hirst is good for the global economy — Charles Wilson

  14. YourPortlandFinancialAdvisor Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    “Blue-chip art is no different from gold.”

    It’s actually a lot different. People collect art to feel good about themselves, to feel intellectual, worldly, ect. Watch “Gone With the Wind”, Tara, the plantation is filled with paintings from Europe because that was the equivilant of the time. Plus anyone who fancies themselves a contemporary art collector must have and be judged by works of certain artists. Warhol would be one. No Warhol, no collection.

  15. Julia Chestnut Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 5:52 am

    The distinction here is between art as a store of value and art as an investment that is expected to create appreciation. The big jump in the value of a piece of art occurs when the artist dies, and thus the supply ends. People who build a fortune in art do so by having good taste and developing a relationship with the people who create (and/or sell) the kind of art that they love. It is about enjoyment and communication – about beauty and provocation. I have found in my limited experience that people who see art as an investment don’t pick the right artists: someone has to do their choosing for them.

    But the pieces that we’re talking about in this article are investment grade – blue chips, as you said. Those are a store of value, alright. But as someone noted, the price of keeping something like that is extremely high. There are some pieces of such extreme value to certain unscrupulous people that you don’t insure them if you own them – because you are afraid that the appraiser or the insurance company might tip someone off about where the piece is. I wish I were being alarmist. Often these pieces are kept in professional storage in vaults because you don’t want to keep it where your family lives for these reasons. As old Priam found out long ago, possessing a thing of legendary beauty invites certain problems, especially if you are using it as a store of wealth.

  16. contrabandista13 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:25 am

    And just to think, I bought a “Melvin Cruddy” last week for $2.77 at Resales for the Retarded.

    It kinda looks like a Modigliani of Bugs Bunny and Daffy having breakfast at a Milwaukee coffee shop.

  17. BuffaloBill Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:35 am

    A.) If bought at auction, there are also buyer’s and seller’s commissions. You’ll need to add these into your investment computations. These commissions are not insignificant.

    B.) If bought at auction, the hammer price (plus commission) is the single highest worldwide valuation for that piece.

    C.) To quote the late Lawrence Fleischman who headed Kennedy Galleries in NYC for many years. “Art makes a lousy investment for almost all buyers except for dealers as we work hard to maintain a rolodex of likely customers. ”

    D.) To quote the late Horace Solomon of Holly Solomon Galleries, “The painting hanging behind me is worth $125,000 – mostly because I say so.”

  18. contrabandista13 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:41 am

    The BIG MONEY plays in the art market are all about vanity… Oh….! Such refined and subtle sophistication…

    Having said that, It’s worth remembering that a trophy such as a Pollock or a real Modigliani, never grows old, never makes you carry it’s purse and will always comfort you in sickness and in heath….

  19. Greg0658 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 9:13 am

    interesting thread .. I’ll add my pov (thats point of view) not (privately owned vehicle :-) … while waiting for the pumpkin pie to bake

    I collect art – not blue chip art (I can’t) .. music 1st books 2nd clocks 3rd (why I started that with the dang time change twice a year) .. add general stuff to cover the walls, shelves and corners .. why I started that or continue that operation (as we slip back into a hunter gatherer society) (produced in mass production) I don’t know … I guess I’m a well trained consumerist .. worked all my life to turn green TP into stuff – because what good is scratchy green TP .. so coming up on the Thanksgiving season I’ll just ask for your thanks .. so thank you in advance … ie thanks for working to build stuff and then turn excess wages into stuff so people who can’t turn stuff into stuff can flip it for a living

    ps – the other pov – wish I could earn enough to have one of those fancies I loved to take pictures of – but then again – I might hit a deer with it or get it k@/@d

  20. ToNYC Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 9:30 am

    Art as investment works for the smart players who realize that over time their judgment of the intellectual perspective which is IP, and what it is that the artist presents will be a Call on an increasing statement of value over time (and transferred stored savings). The ones that see the artist’s vision and help bring that awareness public do the very best and are the lifeblood of our culture as well.

  21. Saturday links: cleaner coal Abnormal Returns Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 10:08 am

    What is driving the art market?  Easy money.*  (Big Picture)

  22. philipat Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 11:31 am

    VennData Says:

    “What’s good for Damien Hirst is good for the global economy — Charles Wilson”

    IMHO, the new Warhol? And I mean that not kindly. Both take advantage of art as culture as fashion as Ladt Gaga to make money. No problem with that, and good luck to them. But is it art?

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eric seiger

Domain Name Wire » <b>News</b> » Confirmed: Facebook Acquires <b>...</b>

Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

Peggle bounces onto PSP next week PSP <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PSP news of Peggle bounces onto PSP next week.

eric seiger

eric seiger

SHANGRILA126 by alicewonderland2

eric seiger

Domain Name Wire » <b>News</b> » Confirmed: Facebook Acquires <b>...</b>

Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

Peggle bounces onto PSP next week PSP <b>News</b> - Page 1 |

Read our PSP news of Peggle bounces onto PSP next week.

eric seiger

The real message from voters was "Fix this stinking economy." But Republicans have no intention of doing so.

With Republicans in control of the House, forget spending increases or tax cuts to stimulate the economy.

Republicans don't believe in stimulating economies. They think markets eventually clear -- once the pain is sufficient. Or in the immortal words of Herbert Hoover's treasury secretary, millionaire industrialist Andrew Mellon: "Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmer, liquidate real estate. It will purge the rottenness out of the system. People will work harder, lead a more moral life."

Of course, Mellon was dead wrong. Nothing was purged. Instead, the economy sunk into deeper and deeper depression.

So how do we get out of this bog?

By default, all the responsibility is on the Federal Reserve -- which announced this week it will pump $600 billion into the economy between now and June to reduce long-term interest rates ("quantitative easing" in Fed-speak).

The Fed thinks lower long-term rates will (1) push more businesses to expand capacity and hire workers; (2) push the dollar downward and make American exports more competitive and therefore generate more jobs; and (3) allow more Americans to refinance their homes at low rates, thereby giving them more cash to spend and thereby stimulate more jobs.

But without an expansionary fiscal policy, the Fed's goals are pipe dreams.

Lower rates won't spur businesses to expand capacity and jobs because there aren't enough consumers to buy additional goods and services.

Lower rates won't push down the dollar and spur more exports. They'll only spur more competitive devaluations by other nations determined not to lose export shares and jobs.

And lower rates won't allow middle-class and working-class Americans to refinance their homes because banks won't lend to families whose incomes have dropped, whose debts have risen, or who owe more on their homes than the homes are worth. That is, most of us.

Without an expansive fiscal policy that puts more money into the pockets of consumers and gets them out from under their huge debt load, the Fed's billions will just fuel another stock-market bubble.

It's already started. Stocks are up even though the rest of the economy is still down because money is already so cheap. Bondholders who can't get much of any return from their loans are shifting into stocks. Companies are buying back more shares of their own stock. And Wall Street is making more bets in the stock market with money it can borrow at almost zero percent interest.

In other words, with Republicans in charge of the House, the economy remains anemic. It may even succumb to another bubble that bursts.

Could it be that Republicans want to keep the economy this way through Election Day, 2012?

Robert Reich is the author of Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future, now in bookstores. This post originally appeared at

22 Responses to “What’s Driving the Art Market? Easy Money.”

  1. Michael M Thomas Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:33 am

    In the first big art boom, back in the late ’80s-90s, some one observed, “It isn’t that the art isn’t worth the m oney, it’s that the money isn’t worth the money.” – MM Thoomas

  2. Friday screencast: artflation Abnormal Returns Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 1:36 pm

    Easy money and the red hot art market.  (Big Picture)

  3. Mike in Nola Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    When I saw the Lichtenstein story on the BBC yesterday, was going to send BR a note that he might use as the start of a blog post.

    The point of my note was that such big prices tend to mark tops in stocks because it’s a sign of overconfidence combined with spending paper profits. The example that first came to mind yesterday was the Japanese investor who bought one of Van Gogh’s Sunflowers for $80M – in 1990 just after the Japanese market peak.

    Of course there are other indicators. Remember reading about one of the well known players in the very early 1900′s who, when he saw $10k bet on the turn of a card, went out and correctly sold everything.

    An illustration of what some art investments are worth in hard times is that some segments of the art market were down 75% during the depths of the crash. The only reason art is booming again is because Ben B has repumped the liquidity bubble, allowing the banksters to make plenty instead of having their sorry asses thrown out on the street as they deserved.

  4. grlampton Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    A lot of what this post says about the art market can also be said about the rare coin market. Granted, rare coins are not unique in the same way a single piece of artwork is (though some are close to unique).

    Although I do not know what the long-term appreciation figures are for artwork, classic American rare coins have outperformed the S&P over the lon g haul, and, in my view, thwey are a lot more fun.

  5. gms777 Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    And for the 99.99 percent of us who don’t have millions to throw at art, when you buy art, buy it because you like it and think you will continue to enjoy looking at it in your house for years.

    Something like 95+% of all art never appreciates in value or if it does, it does so below the rate of inflation.

  6. obsvr-1 Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    seems this is just the .1%-ers keeping up with the Rockerfellers

    Perhaps the FED should be buying up rare art during distressed markets — then sell to the Fraudsters and elitist when they have nothing better to do with their money but buy high priced art; then recycle the profits back to the taxpayer (reduce nat debt) — or substitute SSA for the FED to bolster the Trust Fund for self sufficiency.

  7. ToNYC Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    If you’re very rich, you can ship your art to Switzerland, London or Singapore to be stored in a state-of-the-art facility and not have to worry about the Feds tracking it as funds.

    Believe it or not, that’s where the majority of art ends up these days, sitting in storage waiting for the right time and place to be shown or sold.

    great point you make:

    rich or just smart…keeping all invested in Intellectual Property keeps you free. Hard assets are more like anchors and chains and locks and guns.

  8. Long term Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    The problem I see with art, as an investment or even as a store of value, is that BOTH the insurance AND storage costs of pieces in the $10M+ range are significant. And reoccuring. And a drag on ROI unless a large mark-up is achieved.

  9. Mannwich Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    Then there’s this. Sure doesn’t sound worth it to me.

  10. philipat Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    I’d also recommend fine wine for similar reasons. Also more liquid (Double entendre intended!)

  11. pintelho Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 7:33 pm

    Now this is an excellent educational piece…thank you Marion

  12. Long term Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    i consider this very interesting from the perspective of how chinese billionaires will benefit high-end american exports.

  13. VennData Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    What’s good for Damien Hirst is good for the global economy — Charles Wilson

  14. YourPortlandFinancialAdvisor Says:

    November 12th, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    “Blue-chip art is no different from gold.”

    It’s actually a lot different. People collect art to feel good about themselves, to feel intellectual, worldly, ect. Watch “Gone With the Wind”, Tara, the plantation is filled with paintings from Europe because that was the equivilant of the time. Plus anyone who fancies themselves a contemporary art collector must have and be judged by works of certain artists. Warhol would be one. No Warhol, no collection.

  15. Julia Chestnut Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 5:52 am

    The distinction here is between art as a store of value and art as an investment that is expected to create appreciation. The big jump in the value of a piece of art occurs when the artist dies, and thus the supply ends. People who build a fortune in art do so by having good taste and developing a relationship with the people who create (and/or sell) the kind of art that they love. It is about enjoyment and communication – about beauty and provocation. I have found in my limited experience that people who see art as an investment don’t pick the right artists: someone has to do their choosing for them.

    But the pieces that we’re talking about in this article are investment grade – blue chips, as you said. Those are a store of value, alright. But as someone noted, the price of keeping something like that is extremely high. There are some pieces of such extreme value to certain unscrupulous people that you don’t insure them if you own them – because you are afraid that the appraiser or the insurance company might tip someone off about where the piece is. I wish I were being alarmist. Often these pieces are kept in professional storage in vaults because you don’t want to keep it where your family lives for these reasons. As old Priam found out long ago, possessing a thing of legendary beauty invites certain problems, especially if you are using it as a store of wealth.

  16. contrabandista13 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:25 am

    And just to think, I bought a “Melvin Cruddy” last week for $2.77 at Resales for the Retarded.

    It kinda looks like a Modigliani of Bugs Bunny and Daffy having breakfast at a Milwaukee coffee shop.

  17. BuffaloBill Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:35 am

    A.) If bought at auction, there are also buyer’s and seller’s commissions. You’ll need to add these into your investment computations. These commissions are not insignificant.

    B.) If bought at auction, the hammer price (plus commission) is the single highest worldwide valuation for that piece.

    C.) To quote the late Lawrence Fleischman who headed Kennedy Galleries in NYC for many years. “Art makes a lousy investment for almost all buyers except for dealers as we work hard to maintain a rolodex of likely customers. ”

    D.) To quote the late Horace Solomon of Holly Solomon Galleries, “The painting hanging behind me is worth $125,000 – mostly because I say so.”

  18. contrabandista13 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 8:41 am

    The BIG MONEY plays in the art market are all about vanity… Oh….! Such refined and subtle sophistication…

    Having said that, It’s worth remembering that a trophy such as a Pollock or a real Modigliani, never grows old, never makes you carry it’s purse and will always comfort you in sickness and in heath….

  19. Greg0658 Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 9:13 am

    interesting thread .. I’ll add my pov (thats point of view) not (privately owned vehicle :-) … while waiting for the pumpkin pie to bake

    I collect art – not blue chip art (I can’t) .. music 1st books 2nd clocks 3rd (why I started that with the dang time change twice a year) .. add general stuff to cover the walls, shelves and corners .. why I started that or continue that operation (as we slip back into a hunter gatherer society) (produced in mass production) I don’t know … I guess I’m a well trained consumerist .. worked all my life to turn green TP into stuff – because what good is scratchy green TP .. so coming up on the Thanksgiving season I’ll just ask for your thanks .. so thank you in advance … ie thanks for working to build stuff and then turn excess wages into stuff so people who can’t turn stuff into stuff can flip it for a living

    ps – the other pov – wish I could earn enough to have one of those fancies I loved to take pictures of – but then again – I might hit a deer with it or get it k@/@d

  20. ToNYC Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 9:30 am

    Art as investment works for the smart players who realize that over time their judgment of the intellectual perspective which is IP, and what it is that the artist presents will be a Call on an increasing statement of value over time (and transferred stored savings). The ones that see the artist’s vision and help bring that awareness public do the very best and are the lifeblood of our culture as well.

  21. Saturday links: cleaner coal Abnormal Returns Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 10:08 am

    What is driving the art market?  Easy money.*  (Big Picture)

  22. philipat Says:

    November 13th, 2010 at 11:31 am

    VennData Says:

    “What’s good for Damien Hirst is good for the global economy — Charles Wilson”

    IMHO, the new Warhol? And I mean that not kindly. Both take advantage of art as culture as fashion as Ladt Gaga to make money. No problem with that, and good luck to them. But is it art?

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Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

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Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

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Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

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Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

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SHANGRILA126 by alicewonderland2

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Domain Name Wire » <b>News</b> » Confirmed: Facebook Acquires <b>...</b>

Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

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So many people have the dream of making money working from home. The reasons vary. For some it is more of a necessity while for others it's more of a want.

A former housewife may find herself a newly single Mother and the job she landed in a hurry barely covers the rent and utilities. A second income is must to survive and will determine whether she and the kids have to move in and crowd in a room with her Mother or whether they can stay in their own place.

Other people simply hate a boring routine of going into work everyday and working to make someone else rich. They don't need to work from home but they have a need deep inside themselves to do their own thing and be their own boss and not be stuck in a boring routine everyday.

Some people may find themselves laid off from good jobs in our uncertain economy, some people want to save up for that vacation or new car, some have a big pile of debt to pay off, some working Mother's want to stay home with their kids but can't afford to not have an income and the list goes on and on.

The problem most every one faces who wants to start working from home is how to start? The truth is, it is overwhelming. It will usually take a lot of searching to find out what is right for you.

The most common trap people face when starting is falling for scams and hype. The hype is everywhere. Do an internet search on make money from home and there's no shortage of websites and hype to tell you exactly what to do. There are infomercials all over TV. If John Doe can make thousands of dollars working a few days a month why can't you?

There are all sorts of programs that promise easy and quick money if you just sign up for their program for a certain amount of money. There are some opportunities which you have no clue what you are supposed to do, but whatever it is, you are sure to make a ton of money. There's no shortage of testimonials of common everyday people who are now living a life of luxury. You get excited and imagine all your money worries are over and you are living in a nice beach house.

The truth is, these so called opportunities full of hype are just people getting rich off of the hopes and dreams millions of people have to work from home. Don't fall for it.

If you really want to make money from home, the first thing to do is realize it will actually take time, work, and investment and don't fall for anything that promises easy money or never, ever sign up for anything where you don't know exactly what you will be doing first.

The hardest part of being your own boss may be deciding what to do. There's so much out there to choose from and it will most likely take a lot of searching to find what is right for you.

What works for one person may not work for another. Several factors determine what will work or not. Two of the most common factors are location and personality. What works in one area doesn't mean it will work in another. The only way to find out if something will work in your area is to try. Some areas may be oversaturated with the business you are interested in and will not do good. Another area will not have this business available and will do well. You may be highly successful with a certain business in one area, but in another, you may do terrible. That's just the way it is. Know when to fold 'em. If you have put your very best effort into a business, if you have advertised and gotten your name out there and promoted yourself like crazy, but you still can't get customers or make a profit, then you either have to move or try something else. It's better just to get out than to keep losing money every month. It will be disappointing, but take it as a learning experience.

Another factor is personality. Different people have different strengths, weaknesses and passions. What works for Tina may not work for Jodie. Some people are outgoing natural sales people while others are shy. Different people have different skills and interests and should use those when looking for a business to start.

Never start something just because it worked for your friend unless you are genuinely interested in it. If you are not interested in doing something, don't do it. Why work a business you hate? You will be happier and make more money if you do something you enjoy.

Don't put everything you have into starting your own business. Some businesses fail. Actually, a lot do unfortunately. Try testing it out before you really go all out and see what the response is and do your research. Figure out your costs. How much will it cost to advertise? How much will supplies and anything else you need cost? Check out your competition.

Some people can get started right away into a business with a little investment and start making money right away. Some people. This is the exception and not the rule. Some people can join a direct sales company for little or no cost, buy a bunch of catalogs, have home parties and pass them out to everyone and start seeing good profits right away.

Whatever you decide to do, it will definitely take work. You can't just pay a fee and start making a large amount of money right away for doing almost nothing no matter what those people on TV say.

After you know what you want to do, it will take time and a lot of work to get your name out there and to get business and start making profits. If you can get a loyal customer base, you can find that working from home can be very profitable and lucrative.

What it will cost to work from home depends on several factors. There are some opportunities you can start for a very nominal fee and others will require quite a large investment.

If you decide to join a direct sales company, where you get paid a percentage of what you sell and also make a percentage off of people you recruit in the business, there are some companies where it is completely free to join. Many however require you buy a starter kit which will contain products and some business supplies. Even if you find a company that is free to join, you still will have to invest money into catalogs, business cards, and advertising.

If you want to offer your own service, your investment will be the products/equipment required as well as the basics of advertising. Some businesses will require that you be licensed and insured. Some businesses to start from scratch are your own craft business, cleaning business, baby newspaper business, pet sitting, computer repair, graphic design, home daycare, sewing/alterations, and tutoring.

An exclusively online business is great for shy people who are uncomfortable selling, but this is a whole different ball park. Profits usually come quicker and easier in the real world than online. If you want an exclusive online business, that will require a lot of research. You will need to spend hours and hours educating yourself to avoid costly mistakes and disappointment.

Don't get me wrong, if you can learn how to do it, that's great. Nothing beats waking up in the morning and finding out you just made money while you were sleeping. But you will need a theme to build a website on that isn't oversaturated, something to make it stand out, and most importantly you have to learn how to get traffic. Without traffic, your website will be worthless. Remember you will have fierce competition so that's why educating yourself is important.

Once you know what you want to do, you will have to either build yourself a website or have it built for you (which is usually expensive). Then you will have to find a host and pay for hosting. And last, you will need to do a lot of marketing to drive traffic and hopefully customers to your site.

Many people who really need money, desperately, look to making money from home. They may invest money they can't afford thinking they will make it back plus a lot of profit, just to find themselves more broke and disappointed. They probably just fell for some hype and wrongly thought it would be quick and easy to make money.

If you are desperate for money, or are looking to make money fast, then it's not a good time to actually start your own business. If you are unemployed then you should spend your time looking for a regular job as disappointing as this sounds, so you can have a steady paycheck, then try working from home on the side. For fast money, there are ways you can still make some money from home.

You can have a yard sale. If you enjoy children, put out ads and flyers offering to watch children in your home. There is always a big demand for childcare. If you have furniture or any bigger items you don't need, sell them. Put out flyers or ads in a local (small) paper offering services you can provide such as house cleaning, pet sitting, ironing, sewing, cooking, painting, or handy man jobs. Ads like these usually work best in small town papers and are cheaper but don't do so well and are more expensive in big city areas.

Or, if you are a good salesperson and know a lot of people, a direct sales business is probably a fast way to make money. Find a company that offers a good percentage, find a company that is free to join or offers a plan where you can get started for free and buy the required kit later. Then buy some catalogs and sell away to everyone you can. This way, your only cost will be the catalogs and you can make a profit on the very first day. This of course is for an outgoing person who is good at selling.

If you have a green thumb, grow flowers, herbs and plants and then sell them. If you are good at crafts, sewing, or knitting, make and sell your crafts. You can do this through newspaper ads, flyers, word of mouth, and online at

Online, you can set up a blog for free and put Google Adsense on the blog. Everytime someone clicks on an ad, you get paid. The hard part about this is actually getting traffic to your blog. You can do it, but it does take time and effort.

If you enjoy writing you can also write articles for Associated Content, (like I'm doing now). If you article is accepted, you get paid. What you get depends on what they decide your article is worth.

You can also be a freelance writer. There is a great need for writers with the explosion of websites and people looking for original website content for better search engine rankings. Be prepared for fierce competition however and be prepared to work for low amounts in the beginning until you get established.

Whatever you decide to go with, the truth is there is no secret to getting rich from home. There are two ways to really make an income from home. Good old fashioned hard work and effort or scamming people with a get rich quick scheme. So I am sorry to disappoint anyone who thought they could learn how to start making a thousand dollars a week instantly working only a few hours. But if you have a valid credit card, there are several guys willing to sell you ebooks promising some sort of secret to getting rich easily and quickly.

The moral of the story is, it takes time, effort and hard work to make a decent income from home. It's not easy and it doesn't happen overnight regardless of the hype that's out there. If you aren't willing to work hard at it, it probably won't happen. You need to have determination to make it work and you have to keep at it. You reap what you sow and if you put the time and work into it, you will be rewarded once it pays off.

eric seiger

Domain Name Wire » <b>News</b> » Confirmed: Facebook Acquires <b>...</b>

Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

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eric seiger

Domain Name Wire » <b>News</b> » Confirmed: Facebook Acquires <b>...</b>

Facebook acquires domain name. Ending months of speculation, it's now confirmed that Facebook has acquired the domain name. The whois record for the domain name just updated to show Facebook's name and nameservers for the ...

A bad <b>news</b> week for AGW proponents | Watts Up With That?

This is the latest bad news for the company touted by Mr. Schwarzenegger and President Barack Obama as one of the green industry's supposed shining lights. – Editorial, The Orange County Register, 11 November 2010 ...

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Read our PSP news of Peggle bounces onto PSP next week.

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