Thursday, November 4, 2010

Making Money Ideas

Is there anything Amy Sedaris can't do? She's conquered comedy with her stint with the Second City comedy troupe, as Jerri Blank on Strangers With Candy, and the co-author of Wigfield with some guy named Stephen Colbert (we think he did something in D.C. this weekend). She's shown the world she can entertain a household better than your mother ever could with her book, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence. And now, she's taking on the edgy world of arts & crafts with her new book Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People. And no, it's not just about those bracelets you made with pipe cleaners when you were in preschool. We talked to her about about how she got started in the craft world, and whether or not she plans on giving Martha Stewart a run for her money.

So you've already released a cooking/entertaining guide, and now you have a crafts book. Are you going to launch a battle against Martha Stewart? You better believe it—the competition is on! I'm going to kick her boney little ass.

How did you first get into crafting and DIY stuff? I started crafting as a kid in Girl Scouts and Junior Achievements. I always and still do, have something to make and sell. My family crafted a lot growing up—I've always been attracted to homemade things.

Do you think it's important for people to learn, or is it just something fun to do with your free time? I think everyone needs a hobby. You always need something to do with your hands so your mind can wander.

What is your favorite craft, or favorite thing to make? I really love making pot holders using the kits and extra loops from Klutz. It takes me 20 minutes to make a pot holder! It really makes time fly when you are on a airplane.

The market rallied today as election booths underflowed with
discontented voters, unemployed workers looking for a warm place to hang
out during the day, and douchey hipsters who thought the lines were for the Apple store.


Apparently the Republicans are going to win back the House and thus
have 1/4 of the decision making bodies in the US (the others of course
being the Senate, the Executive Office, and Marisa Miller because Money
McBags would do whatever her body
decides) which is somehow a good thing even though their policies are
what got us to where we are in the first place.  So
hoooooooooooofuckingray.  Instead of the party who can't get us out of
this mess having all of the power, they can now share part of it with
the party who got us in to this mess as the clusterfuck of bad ideas and
incompetence will continue.  So Rally fucking on.


To use a terrible analogy, it's like when Bo and Luke Duke came back
to the Dukes of Hazzard after their contract dispute led their gay cousins
to take over for a season.  While it might have been a marginal
improvement, the show still fucking sucked and all anyone wanted to see
was Daisy Duke
anyway, so who fucking cared whose turn it was to drive the racist
car.  And that is like this election because no matter who wins, the
economy will still suck and all anyone wants to see is real economic
growth (and Daisy Duke), so who fucking cares which unoriginal, solution-less dickbag drives the figurative legislative car.


Hopefully you all did the sensible thing and voted for "None of The Above"
and wrote in Money McBags of the BOGUS party (Bail Outs Get Us Savings)
who will finally take this farce of an economic non-strategy all the
way.  Money McBags spent at least half the day writing his acceptance
address (and the other half googling Cintia Dicker's
address) and promises to return this country to fiscal prosperity
through destroying it and building it back up with more bail outs, more
TARP, and especially more PPIP (though what else would one pee?).


As for macro news, it was more non-existent than people who have read all of Middlemarch or Art Laffer's credibility. 
The story remains QE2 and it will be very interesting to see how the
market digests the size of it (perhaps they will ask Peter North's
co-stars for advice) because there still remains a lack of consensus as
to how much the Fed will ease.  Of course the silliest part of all of
this (even sillier than this trend of giving up showering and deodorant and way the fuck sillier than suing Mcdonald's for being fat), is that the prospect of QE2 has rallied the market when the whole reason for QE2 is that the economy is more fucked than Capri Anderson
after an eight ball in Charlie Sheen's hotel room.  So while QE2 is
somehow the panacea for the dying economy (just like QE1 was, and TARP
was, and everything else that has led to cyclically low 2% GDP growth
(until the 2% is revised lower) was), the market is acting like that
panacea has already cured the disease when in fact it may exacerbate the
disease like Mentos in a Diet Coke bottle.  This is as confusing to Money McBags as men who look like lesbians and ergodic theory so as the market rallies, he is left scratching his head in amazement (or perhaps it just scabies).


Internationally, Australia and India both raised rates as their economies continue to be healthier than Gabourey Sidibe's
appetite after skipping both first and second breakfasts.  China's
unquenchable thirst (perhaps caused by too much soy sauce) for natural
resources has helped drive Australia's economy higher and as a result of
the rate increase and Bernanke's folly, the AUD reached its 28 year
high last night achieving parity with the US dollar.   Money McBags is
now counting down the days until the dollar is no longer worth even a dong, which will be bad news for the Key West Vietnamese population.


Also, something to be aware of as your EPV etf drops faster than Abe Vigoda's balls in a steam room and that is that Spain's 2nd largest bank is looking to Turkey
for growth by buying a 25% stake in Turkish bank Garanti.  Now look,
Money McBags is well aware of the benefits of Turkey's growing
population, its youthful demographics, the the way it perfectly
complements cranberry sauce, but something strikes Money McBags as being
a bit fucked up when that is where Spain is turning to for growth. 
First of all, it means Spain realizes it is fucked for a long time and
that is about as good for Europe as Lillian McEwen's memoir
will be for Clarence Thomas.  But secondly, BBVA stretching for growth
here opens up all kinds of risks because whenever Money McBags hears of a
financial services company trying to buy growth, so many red flags go
flying up that you would think he was part of a semaphorist circle
jerk.  So while Europe is running right now, be very very careful.


In the market today, PFE had what Money McBags calls a a Jennifer Lopez Q as they put up a good bottom line but a weak top line. 
The company sold off ~1% as their revenue was below analyst guesses
thanks to a stronger dollar and Lipitor sales falling by 11% due to
increased competition from generics and fat people being unable to
afford to eat as much.  Also in the health care space, MHS put up a good Q
and rose ~9% as they were able to grow their business and maintain
margins which the Street thought would be less likely than Paul Krugman
exhibiting modesty (or common sense) or Money McBags caring which of the
Bernaola twins was tickling his taint.


Elsewhere, MA put up a nice Q
and rose ~5% as eps of $3.94 grew 15% and beat analyst guesses of $3.54
as consumers max out their 1% cash back credit cards in order to earn
income (like that is any stupider than continually borrowing from
China?).  ADM got cropped on as profits dropped due to weak grain merchandising margins and CLX tumbled by ~4%
after the conglomerate posted disappointing earnings and lowered full
year numbers as apparently all 800 of their categories sucked.


Money McBags also breaks down some small cap stocks today at the award winning When Genius Prevailed.

bench craft company

Fox <b>News</b> On Christine O&#39;Donnell -

The midterms are over, and while the GOP regained control of the House, the coronation of the Tea Party movement is still up for debate. Sure, a number of Tea Party candidates won their races, but perhaps the most visible -- Delaware ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

Fox <b>News</b> Dominates Election Ratings –

UPDATED WITH FINAL NUMBERS: Fox News towered over the competition -- cable and broadcast -- with its midterm election coverage last night. According to Nielsen, Fox News averaged 7 million viewers in primetime, up 128% from the ...

bench craft company

Is there anything Amy Sedaris can't do? She's conquered comedy with her stint with the Second City comedy troupe, as Jerri Blank on Strangers With Candy, and the co-author of Wigfield with some guy named Stephen Colbert (we think he did something in D.C. this weekend). She's shown the world she can entertain a household better than your mother ever could with her book, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence. And now, she's taking on the edgy world of arts & crafts with her new book Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People. And no, it's not just about those bracelets you made with pipe cleaners when you were in preschool. We talked to her about about how she got started in the craft world, and whether or not she plans on giving Martha Stewart a run for her money.

So you've already released a cooking/entertaining guide, and now you have a crafts book. Are you going to launch a battle against Martha Stewart? You better believe it—the competition is on! I'm going to kick her boney little ass.

How did you first get into crafting and DIY stuff? I started crafting as a kid in Girl Scouts and Junior Achievements. I always and still do, have something to make and sell. My family crafted a lot growing up—I've always been attracted to homemade things.

Do you think it's important for people to learn, or is it just something fun to do with your free time? I think everyone needs a hobby. You always need something to do with your hands so your mind can wander.

What is your favorite craft, or favorite thing to make? I really love making pot holders using the kits and extra loops from Klutz. It takes me 20 minutes to make a pot holder! It really makes time fly when you are on a airplane.

The market rallied today as election booths underflowed with
discontented voters, unemployed workers looking for a warm place to hang
out during the day, and douchey hipsters who thought the lines were for the Apple store.


Apparently the Republicans are going to win back the House and thus
have 1/4 of the decision making bodies in the US (the others of course
being the Senate, the Executive Office, and Marisa Miller because Money
McBags would do whatever her body
decides) which is somehow a good thing even though their policies are
what got us to where we are in the first place.  So
hoooooooooooofuckingray.  Instead of the party who can't get us out of
this mess having all of the power, they can now share part of it with
the party who got us in to this mess as the clusterfuck of bad ideas and
incompetence will continue.  So Rally fucking on.


To use a terrible analogy, it's like when Bo and Luke Duke came back
to the Dukes of Hazzard after their contract dispute led their gay cousins
to take over for a season.  While it might have been a marginal
improvement, the show still fucking sucked and all anyone wanted to see
was Daisy Duke
anyway, so who fucking cared whose turn it was to drive the racist
car.  And that is like this election because no matter who wins, the
economy will still suck and all anyone wants to see is real economic
growth (and Daisy Duke), so who fucking cares which unoriginal, solution-less dickbag drives the figurative legislative car.


Hopefully you all did the sensible thing and voted for "None of The Above"
and wrote in Money McBags of the BOGUS party (Bail Outs Get Us Savings)
who will finally take this farce of an economic non-strategy all the
way.  Money McBags spent at least half the day writing his acceptance
address (and the other half googling Cintia Dicker's
address) and promises to return this country to fiscal prosperity
through destroying it and building it back up with more bail outs, more
TARP, and especially more PPIP (though what else would one pee?).


As for macro news, it was more non-existent than people who have read all of Middlemarch or Art Laffer's credibility. 
The story remains QE2 and it will be very interesting to see how the
market digests the size of it (perhaps they will ask Peter North's
co-stars for advice) because there still remains a lack of consensus as
to how much the Fed will ease.  Of course the silliest part of all of
this (even sillier than this trend of giving up showering and deodorant and way the fuck sillier than suing Mcdonald's for being fat), is that the prospect of QE2 has rallied the market when the whole reason for QE2 is that the economy is more fucked than Capri Anderson
after an eight ball in Charlie Sheen's hotel room.  So while QE2 is
somehow the panacea for the dying economy (just like QE1 was, and TARP
was, and everything else that has led to cyclically low 2% GDP growth
(until the 2% is revised lower) was), the market is acting like that
panacea has already cured the disease when in fact it may exacerbate the
disease like Mentos in a Diet Coke bottle.  This is as confusing to Money McBags as men who look like lesbians and ergodic theory so as the market rallies, he is left scratching his head in amazement (or perhaps it just scabies).


Internationally, Australia and India both raised rates as their economies continue to be healthier than Gabourey Sidibe's
appetite after skipping both first and second breakfasts.  China's
unquenchable thirst (perhaps caused by too much soy sauce) for natural
resources has helped drive Australia's economy higher and as a result of
the rate increase and Bernanke's folly, the AUD reached its 28 year
high last night achieving parity with the US dollar.   Money McBags is
now counting down the days until the dollar is no longer worth even a dong, which will be bad news for the Key West Vietnamese population.


Also, something to be aware of as your EPV etf drops faster than Abe Vigoda's balls in a steam room and that is that Spain's 2nd largest bank is looking to Turkey
for growth by buying a 25% stake in Turkish bank Garanti.  Now look,
Money McBags is well aware of the benefits of Turkey's growing
population, its youthful demographics, the the way it perfectly
complements cranberry sauce, but something strikes Money McBags as being
a bit fucked up when that is where Spain is turning to for growth. 
First of all, it means Spain realizes it is fucked for a long time and
that is about as good for Europe as Lillian McEwen's memoir
will be for Clarence Thomas.  But secondly, BBVA stretching for growth
here opens up all kinds of risks because whenever Money McBags hears of a
financial services company trying to buy growth, so many red flags go
flying up that you would think he was part of a semaphorist circle
jerk.  So while Europe is running right now, be very very careful.


In the market today, PFE had what Money McBags calls a a Jennifer Lopez Q as they put up a good bottom line but a weak top line. 
The company sold off ~1% as their revenue was below analyst guesses
thanks to a stronger dollar and Lipitor sales falling by 11% due to
increased competition from generics and fat people being unable to
afford to eat as much.  Also in the health care space, MHS put up a good Q
and rose ~9% as they were able to grow their business and maintain
margins which the Street thought would be less likely than Paul Krugman
exhibiting modesty (or common sense) or Money McBags caring which of the
Bernaola twins was tickling his taint.


Elsewhere, MA put up a nice Q
and rose ~5% as eps of $3.94 grew 15% and beat analyst guesses of $3.54
as consumers max out their 1% cash back credit cards in order to earn
income (like that is any stupider than continually borrowing from
China?).  ADM got cropped on as profits dropped due to weak grain merchandising margins and CLX tumbled by ~4%
after the conglomerate posted disappointing earnings and lowered full
year numbers as apparently all 800 of their categories sucked.


Money McBags also breaks down some small cap stocks today at the award winning When Genius Prevailed.

bench craft company

Fox <b>News</b> On Christine O&#39;Donnell -

The midterms are over, and while the GOP regained control of the House, the coronation of the Tea Party movement is still up for debate. Sure, a number of Tea Party candidates won their races, but perhaps the most visible -- Delaware ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

Fox <b>News</b> Dominates Election Ratings –

UPDATED WITH FINAL NUMBERS: Fox News towered over the competition -- cable and broadcast -- with its midterm election coverage last night. According to Nielsen, Fox News averaged 7 million viewers in primetime, up 128% from the ...

bench craft company

bench craft company

Money Making Secrets by Market Rasen Readers Pets

bench craft company

Fox <b>News</b> On Christine O&#39;Donnell -

The midterms are over, and while the GOP regained control of the House, the coronation of the Tea Party movement is still up for debate. Sure, a number of Tea Party candidates won their races, but perhaps the most visible -- Delaware ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

Fox <b>News</b> Dominates Election Ratings –

UPDATED WITH FINAL NUMBERS: Fox News towered over the competition -- cable and broadcast -- with its midterm election coverage last night. According to Nielsen, Fox News averaged 7 million viewers in primetime, up 128% from the ...

bench craft company

Is there anything Amy Sedaris can't do? She's conquered comedy with her stint with the Second City comedy troupe, as Jerri Blank on Strangers With Candy, and the co-author of Wigfield with some guy named Stephen Colbert (we think he did something in D.C. this weekend). She's shown the world she can entertain a household better than your mother ever could with her book, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence. And now, she's taking on the edgy world of arts & crafts with her new book Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People. And no, it's not just about those bracelets you made with pipe cleaners when you were in preschool. We talked to her about about how she got started in the craft world, and whether or not she plans on giving Martha Stewart a run for her money.

So you've already released a cooking/entertaining guide, and now you have a crafts book. Are you going to launch a battle against Martha Stewart? You better believe it—the competition is on! I'm going to kick her boney little ass.

How did you first get into crafting and DIY stuff? I started crafting as a kid in Girl Scouts and Junior Achievements. I always and still do, have something to make and sell. My family crafted a lot growing up—I've always been attracted to homemade things.

Do you think it's important for people to learn, or is it just something fun to do with your free time? I think everyone needs a hobby. You always need something to do with your hands so your mind can wander.

What is your favorite craft, or favorite thing to make? I really love making pot holders using the kits and extra loops from Klutz. It takes me 20 minutes to make a pot holder! It really makes time fly when you are on a airplane.

The market rallied today as election booths underflowed with
discontented voters, unemployed workers looking for a warm place to hang
out during the day, and douchey hipsters who thought the lines were for the Apple store.


Apparently the Republicans are going to win back the House and thus
have 1/4 of the decision making bodies in the US (the others of course
being the Senate, the Executive Office, and Marisa Miller because Money
McBags would do whatever her body
decides) which is somehow a good thing even though their policies are
what got us to where we are in the first place.  So
hoooooooooooofuckingray.  Instead of the party who can't get us out of
this mess having all of the power, they can now share part of it with
the party who got us in to this mess as the clusterfuck of bad ideas and
incompetence will continue.  So Rally fucking on.


To use a terrible analogy, it's like when Bo and Luke Duke came back
to the Dukes of Hazzard after their contract dispute led their gay cousins
to take over for a season.  While it might have been a marginal
improvement, the show still fucking sucked and all anyone wanted to see
was Daisy Duke
anyway, so who fucking cared whose turn it was to drive the racist
car.  And that is like this election because no matter who wins, the
economy will still suck and all anyone wants to see is real economic
growth (and Daisy Duke), so who fucking cares which unoriginal, solution-less dickbag drives the figurative legislative car.


Hopefully you all did the sensible thing and voted for "None of The Above"
and wrote in Money McBags of the BOGUS party (Bail Outs Get Us Savings)
who will finally take this farce of an economic non-strategy all the
way.  Money McBags spent at least half the day writing his acceptance
address (and the other half googling Cintia Dicker's
address) and promises to return this country to fiscal prosperity
through destroying it and building it back up with more bail outs, more
TARP, and especially more PPIP (though what else would one pee?).


As for macro news, it was more non-existent than people who have read all of Middlemarch or Art Laffer's credibility. 
The story remains QE2 and it will be very interesting to see how the
market digests the size of it (perhaps they will ask Peter North's
co-stars for advice) because there still remains a lack of consensus as
to how much the Fed will ease.  Of course the silliest part of all of
this (even sillier than this trend of giving up showering and deodorant and way the fuck sillier than suing Mcdonald's for being fat), is that the prospect of QE2 has rallied the market when the whole reason for QE2 is that the economy is more fucked than Capri Anderson
after an eight ball in Charlie Sheen's hotel room.  So while QE2 is
somehow the panacea for the dying economy (just like QE1 was, and TARP
was, and everything else that has led to cyclically low 2% GDP growth
(until the 2% is revised lower) was), the market is acting like that
panacea has already cured the disease when in fact it may exacerbate the
disease like Mentos in a Diet Coke bottle.  This is as confusing to Money McBags as men who look like lesbians and ergodic theory so as the market rallies, he is left scratching his head in amazement (or perhaps it just scabies).


Internationally, Australia and India both raised rates as their economies continue to be healthier than Gabourey Sidibe's
appetite after skipping both first and second breakfasts.  China's
unquenchable thirst (perhaps caused by too much soy sauce) for natural
resources has helped drive Australia's economy higher and as a result of
the rate increase and Bernanke's folly, the AUD reached its 28 year
high last night achieving parity with the US dollar.   Money McBags is
now counting down the days until the dollar is no longer worth even a dong, which will be bad news for the Key West Vietnamese population.


Also, something to be aware of as your EPV etf drops faster than Abe Vigoda's balls in a steam room and that is that Spain's 2nd largest bank is looking to Turkey
for growth by buying a 25% stake in Turkish bank Garanti.  Now look,
Money McBags is well aware of the benefits of Turkey's growing
population, its youthful demographics, the the way it perfectly
complements cranberry sauce, but something strikes Money McBags as being
a bit fucked up when that is where Spain is turning to for growth. 
First of all, it means Spain realizes it is fucked for a long time and
that is about as good for Europe as Lillian McEwen's memoir
will be for Clarence Thomas.  But secondly, BBVA stretching for growth
here opens up all kinds of risks because whenever Money McBags hears of a
financial services company trying to buy growth, so many red flags go
flying up that you would think he was part of a semaphorist circle
jerk.  So while Europe is running right now, be very very careful.


In the market today, PFE had what Money McBags calls a a Jennifer Lopez Q as they put up a good bottom line but a weak top line. 
The company sold off ~1% as their revenue was below analyst guesses
thanks to a stronger dollar and Lipitor sales falling by 11% due to
increased competition from generics and fat people being unable to
afford to eat as much.  Also in the health care space, MHS put up a good Q
and rose ~9% as they were able to grow their business and maintain
margins which the Street thought would be less likely than Paul Krugman
exhibiting modesty (or common sense) or Money McBags caring which of the
Bernaola twins was tickling his taint.


Elsewhere, MA put up a nice Q
and rose ~5% as eps of $3.94 grew 15% and beat analyst guesses of $3.54
as consumers max out their 1% cash back credit cards in order to earn
income (like that is any stupider than continually borrowing from
China?).  ADM got cropped on as profits dropped due to weak grain merchandising margins and CLX tumbled by ~4%
after the conglomerate posted disappointing earnings and lowered full
year numbers as apparently all 800 of their categories sucked.


Money McBags also breaks down some small cap stocks today at the award winning When Genius Prevailed.

bench craft company

Money Making Secrets by Market Rasen Readers Pets

bench craft company

Fox <b>News</b> On Christine O&#39;Donnell -

The midterms are over, and while the GOP regained control of the House, the coronation of the Tea Party movement is still up for debate. Sure, a number of Tea Party candidates won their races, but perhaps the most visible -- Delaware ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

Fox <b>News</b> Dominates Election Ratings –

UPDATED WITH FINAL NUMBERS: Fox News towered over the competition -- cable and broadcast -- with its midterm election coverage last night. According to Nielsen, Fox News averaged 7 million viewers in primetime, up 128% from the ...

bench craft company

Money Making Secrets by Market Rasen Readers Pets

bench craft company

Fox <b>News</b> On Christine O&#39;Donnell -

The midterms are over, and while the GOP regained control of the House, the coronation of the Tea Party movement is still up for debate. Sure, a number of Tea Party candidates won their races, but perhaps the most visible -- Delaware ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

Fox <b>News</b> Dominates Election Ratings –

UPDATED WITH FINAL NUMBERS: Fox News towered over the competition -- cable and broadcast -- with its midterm election coverage last night. According to Nielsen, Fox News averaged 7 million viewers in primetime, up 128% from the ...

bench craft company

Fox <b>News</b> On Christine O&#39;Donnell -

The midterms are over, and while the GOP regained control of the House, the coronation of the Tea Party movement is still up for debate. Sure, a number of Tea Party candidates won their races, but perhaps the most visible -- Delaware ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

Fox <b>News</b> Dominates Election Ratings –

UPDATED WITH FINAL NUMBERS: Fox News towered over the competition -- cable and broadcast -- with its midterm election coverage last night. According to Nielsen, Fox News averaged 7 million viewers in primetime, up 128% from the ...

bench craft company

Fox <b>News</b> On Christine O&#39;Donnell -

The midterms are over, and while the GOP regained control of the House, the coronation of the Tea Party movement is still up for debate. Sure, a number of Tea Party candidates won their races, but perhaps the most visible -- Delaware ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

Fox <b>News</b> Dominates Election Ratings –

UPDATED WITH FINAL NUMBERS: Fox News towered over the competition -- cable and broadcast -- with its midterm election coverage last night. According to Nielsen, Fox News averaged 7 million viewers in primetime, up 128% from the ...

bench craft company bench craft company
bench craft company

Money Making Secrets by Market Rasen Readers Pets

bench craft company
bench craft company

Fox <b>News</b> On Christine O&#39;Donnell -

The midterms are over, and while the GOP regained control of the House, the coronation of the Tea Party movement is still up for debate. Sure, a number of Tea Party candidates won their races, but perhaps the most visible -- Delaware ...

New Rock Type Found On Moon - Science <b>News</b>

Odd spots on the lunar farside could be ancient material from deep inside.

Fox <b>News</b> Dominates Election Ratings –

UPDATED WITH FINAL NUMBERS: Fox News towered over the competition -- cable and broadcast -- with its midterm election coverage last night. According to Nielsen, Fox News averaged 7 million viewers in primetime, up 128% from the ...

bench craft company reviews

As a beginner trying to make money online, you may not have thought you would be writing articles and material to promote your site. But when you think about it, the written word is what the Internet is all about.

Making money online requires good, frequent content writing. You may be a great writer or you possibly don't like to write. I've always been impressed with those bloggers who could pump out lots of great articles. Those people who can write articles that keep the attention of the reader while always being grammatically correct. How can anyone have so much to say about one topic, and how can anyone be so eloquent in prose? Some bloggers are great writers, but some simply don't have the time to write all of their content. As a beginner, you may not have time to write all your material, or you may be a bit more challenged as an author. PLR or Private Label Rights material may be the answer for you.

PLR, or Private Label Rights material can be articles, eBooks, autoresponder messages, squeeze page templates or even audio materials. PLR material is most often found on a site for sell, but it is sometimes given away. The term Private Label Rights means the material can be reprinted, rewritten, reformatted, posted on a website, or you can practically use it any way you choose. You can even put your name on the material and claim it as your own. You could use the material to create an eBook, an eCourse, a small report, or simply post it 'as is' to you blog or website. What you cannot do with PLR material is to repackage it and resell it as PLR material, and you can not submit it to online article directories. Article directories only want original content written by you. When you use PLR content, keep in mind the material may also appear on someone else's blog or website. This is because PLR materials are widely distributed. Some PLR marketers will limit the number of times the material is sold, but others do not. Since it is sold to many customers, PLR content it is usually inexpensive.

Here's an example of why an online marketer might want to use PLR content:

As a beginner working toward making money online, my friend Billy selected a theme for his site, purchased a domain name, found a hosting company, and added pages, posts, and all sorts of great material to his blog. He signed up for an autoresponder and started working on building a list. What an accomplishment! He was on his way! He had to keep his blog up to date by posting to it 3 or 4 times a week. He gave away a free weekly newsletter, written by him, to help build his list. But he had to do more to get traffic to his site. He commented daily on forums and wrote articles to be submitted to free article directories. Billy was writing all week, every week. After a few weeks he told me he was having trouble generating new ideas for his blog and for his articles. This is when I introduced him to Private Label Rights materials. Billy used PLR materials to substitute for some of the content he was writing for his blog. He then had more time to concentrate on writing new articles to submit to article directories. The PLR material inspired him and even helped him to come up with new ideas for original content.

You can use PLR content the same way as Billy. The materials are readily available on the Internet and you can find them by doing a Google search for PLR. PLR material is usually sold in packages of articles and the number of articles included varies. When you find PLR content pay attention to the number of articles, the number of words per article, the price of the package, and the number of times the package will be sold before it is taken off the market. I have found that the lower the price the higher the number of distributions for each package. The seller should also give you a list of topics, or article titles, of the package content. Just for an idea on prices, I have seen packages range from $1.98 for many articles with unlimited distribution, to $15.00 for 10 articles with a distribution of 75. The prices vary greatly and you will see some that are priced much higher. You can also purchase eBooks, reports to giveaway or sell, audio materials, or squeeze pages. There is some PLR material you can find for free. Since I can't list it all here, I put a list on my website for free PLR material.

When you first start working online, writing content to promote your site can become overwhelming. You can spend lots of money on PPC or other promotions, but most beginners either don't have the money or they want to test the waters to see if their idea will get a good response. You can use PLR materials to post to your blog, you can use it in your next newsletter, and you can put several articles together and make an eBook. Try using the materials to create a daily eCourse for your autoresponder. Since PLR content can be rewritten, you could instead use it as a guide for your next article. Significantly changing the content to claim the article as your own is permissible. But if you don't want to rewrite the content another option is to hire a copywriter or ghostwriter, and it is more expensive. But that's another topic!

Don't forget to visit my site for a great list of free PLR materials!

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